Restroom Calculator

Need an estimate for how many porta potties your event needs? Use this handy calculator! For a more specific quote tailored to your needs, call us today at 800-210-8407!

My event is estimated at attendees, for hours.
  • Will there be more women than men?
  • Will there be alcohol served?

Your Estimated Sanitation Services

Based on what you've told us, we've generated this estimate for your needs.

If you have more details or would like expert advice to make sure you get the best sanitation solution, please call us at 800.210.8407.

Estimated Standard Portable Restrooms Needed: 0
Estimated Hand Wash Stations Needed: 0
Estimated Enhanced Access Restrooms Needed: 0

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Category: Construction

Preventing Silica Dust On Your Project

Everyone knows there are a lot of different safety hazards on a construction project. There are the obvious dangers with large machinery, sharp tools, and hazardous materials. But, have you ever stopped to consider the dust generated from the work? It’s true, silica dust can be a hazard. Don’t worry, though, we have the information you need to make sure you’re not just OSHA compliant but keeping your crew healthy.

What is silica dust and silicosis?

Silica is one of the most common minerals and occurs in many building materials including, but not limited to, sand, granite, masonry, and concrete. Dust is created by blasting, cutting, chipping, drilling, or grinding materials that contain silica. Silica dust is a very fine dust with particles invisible to the human eye. These dust particles are at least 100 times smaller than a grain of typical sand.

When ingested or inhaled, silica dust can lead to a variety of lung diseases including lung cancer. One of the most common lung diseases caused by silica dust is silicosis. Silicosis is the scarring of lung tissue over time due to exposure to silica dust. Silicosis harms the ability to breathe and causes cough, weight loss, tiredness, and chest pains.

There are three types of silicosis; acute, chronic, and accelerated silicosis. Acute silicosis usually occurs within a few weeks of exposure to silica dust. Chronic silicosis appears 10 to 30 years after exposure, and accelerated silicosis will occur within 10 years of high-level exposure to silica dust with symptoms occurring quickly.

There is no one specific treatment for silicosis. Cough medicine, bronchodilators, and oxygen can help treat symptoms of silicosis. Antibiotics are prescribed for respiratory infections caused by silicosis, but do not treat silicosis itself.

The best treatment for silicosis is preventative care and avoiding exposure to silica dust.

OSHA Regulations for Silica Dust

With the obvious health hazards posed by silica dust, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has passed a series of regulations to deal with silica dust. OSHA provides two different methods for dealing with silica dust on their website.

The first way to be OSHA compliant is by following a table in the official regulations on OSHA’s site. This table lists common equipment or tasks and then solutions for the task. Most of the solutions listed in the table come down to making sure the tool being used has a water delivery system to limit dust or include a dust collection system.

The second method OSHA provides to be compliant is by using a formula they provide to determine the amount of silica dust present and using the correct dust controls for the dust amounts. Dust control methods recommended by OSHA include respirators for workers and a time limit to dust exposure.

OSHA also requires a written exposure plan, adequate housekeeping practices, medical exams, worker training, and records of worker exposure to silica dust.

Dust Control Solutions

There are a lot of ways to deal with silica dust on your job site. Many of the saws and grinding tools used today have a moisture-based dust suppression system or a vacuum-based collection system. While these systems are good, they will never eliminate 100% of the dust.

A fantastic addition to the built-in dust solutions are portable air filters. Portable air filters have the advantage of giving you an air cleaning solution that moves with your project. They are especially effective for contractors doing remodeling or restoration work.

On Site has several varieties of portable air filters, based on the needs of your project. The majority of our portable air filters feature HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters. HEPA filters are able remove 99.9% of small particles from the air. This makes these units a very effective companion to any built-in systems a tool may already have.

Even if you are working with a tool without a dust solution, HEPA air filters like the PH 1400 can dramatically improve the air quality of your project. Not only will these units filter out dangerous silica dust, but they also will help remove odors and fumes.

On Site Has Your Air Filtration Needs

When it comes to air quality, you can’t afford to cut corners. Besides the OSHA compliance needs, workers getting sick from silica dust can lead to work delays and project slow downs. Air quality impacts your bottom line.

Call On Site today at 651.429.3781 to talk to one of our air filtration experts. Our team will help you make sure you are OSHA compliant and keep your team working. You can see our entire line of portable air filters and request a custom quote now.

Don’t let silica dust hurt your business. You may not be able to see the dust particles, but you’ll be able to see the negative impact on your business if you don’t deal with it.

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Handling Water Runoff with Containment Pans 

Winter snow melt. The rainy season. Any way you slice it, it’s the wet time of year, which can have a huge impact on your construction site. You need to be able to deal with that water in an environmentally safe and legal way. One of the biggest issues is making sure the storm water runoff is not contaminated by the waste water generated by your portable restrooms.


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Porta Potties for Road Construction

As a professional working in the construction business, you know that having the proper facilities is crucial to supporting your employees’ hygiene and keeping them happy. This can be especially true when it comes to road construction sites, where you likely don’t have access to running water and flushing toilets. When you’re working on a road project, the last thing you want is to try to figure out where you’re going to use the restroom or to have to walk a mile only to have to wait in a long line. Knowing how many porta potties to provide at a road construction site is critical to the success of your project. If you don’t have enough, you run the risk of creating not only unsanitary situations, but an unhappy workplace.


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5 Challenges Currently Facing the Construction Industry

Working in any industry presents a number of challenges, such as maintaining employee productivity, overcoming financial hardships, and dealing with industry-specific struggles. The construction industry comes with a unique set of obstacles to overcome. Issues with safety on construction sites, a huge labor shortage, problems with employee productivity levels, and technological setbacks are just some of the major challenges the construction industry is facing today. We’ve broken these issues down to provide a better picture of just what is going on in the industry.


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When to Rent a Temporary Air Conditioner

The summer months can be hot, humid, and hard to find relief at times, especially if you’re outside. More than likely, at a construction site you’re already working up a sweat, and nobody wants to go to an outdoor event in the summer and feel uncomfortable. A/C rental can make a huge difference for a company or event. With the option to escape the heat and truly cool off, guests won’t wish they had stayed home and your employees will likely feel more comfortable throughout the day, boosting morale. Air conditioning rental for outdoor events can be the key to happy guests, and A/C rental for construction can make working a little more bearable. (more…)

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Air Filtration: What it is and When to Use It

It’s no secret that construction sites can create a lot of dust and result in poor air quality. Constantly breathing in particles can potentially cause serious health problems for construction workers. Being exposed to contaminated air can decrease productivity in employees, as well.

Certain situations may require construction teams to evaluate their air quality situation, such as working inside an enclosed building or at a healthcare facility. If a construction team isn’t always exposed to these elements, being able to rent the air filtration equipment your team needs can be beneficial. Proper construction air filtration is crucial to providing a healthy and safe environment for every member of your crew. (more…)

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How to Cure Concrete In Sub-Freezing Temperatures

The Midwest is typically subject to some pretty cold temperatures during the winter months, but although the weather may sometimes be unbearable, construction doesn’t necessarily stop. Winter can seem like a tough season for curing concrete, but it can’t always be avoided.

Concrete is best set at a mild temperature of 50 to 60 degrees F. In the winter, the temperatures are likely to be significantly lower, making it hard to properly cure. Snow, ice, and cold weather cause delays in construction, and if not exposed to the right elements, the concrete can be weak and brittle once dry. Curing concrete in cold weather can seem like a bit of a challenge, but with the right tools, it can be achieved. (more…)

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New OSHA Regulations Your Construction Team Needs to Know

Every year the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) updates their rules and regulations. With new technologies and rapidly changing workforce demographics, there is a constant need to keep improving these rules and regulations in order to keep work environments safe, especially for construction sites.

While it is important to always keep in mind OSHA regulations to prevent workplace injury and avoid fines, we know it can be hard to keep up with the near constant implementation of new rules. We’ve created a list of some of the 2018 OSHA regulations that construction teams should look out for.


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Construction Site Showers: Why Renting Shower Trailers Will Boost Your Construction Team’s Morale

There is no better feeling in the world than being nice and clean after a hot shower. While having portable restrooms, heaters, and air conditioners are obvious things to have at a construction site, having a portable shower is beneficial, as well. Not only will it show that you care about your employees’ health and cleanliness, but it can improve their work ethic and overall morale. At On Site, we take employee morale seriously. By offering the best of the best when it comes to construction site sanitation we do our part to keep your crew clean and happy.


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8 Things Your Construction Team Should Be Recycling

Throughout a construction project, whatever it may be, you’re bound to be tossing away a lot of debris. Debris is generated from all phases of a project and often just gets thrown away and later taken to a landfill. Recycling and reusing materials is many times overlooked, especially during the cold, winter months when you want to finish a project as quickly as possible. With the use of an electric construction heater, you’ll stay warmer on the job site and be more apt to implement a longer timeline, making recycling more attainable. (more…)

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