Restroom Calculator

Need an estimate for how many porta potties your event needs? Use this handy calculator! For a more specific quote tailored to your needs, call us today at 800-210-8407!

My event is estimated at attendees, for hours.
  • Will there be more women than men?
  • Will there be alcohol served?

Your Estimated Sanitation Services

Based on what you've told us, we've generated this estimate for your needs.

If you have more details or would like expert advice to make sure you get the best sanitation solution, please call us at 800.210.8407.

Estimated Standard Portable Restrooms Needed: 0
Estimated Hand Wash Stations Needed: 0
Estimated Enhanced Access Restrooms Needed: 0

Looking for a custom quote on those items?


Category: Special Events

Setting Your Non-Profit Event Up for Success

Event planning can be overwhelming—especially for non-profit organizations that may only host a few events each year, or that don’t have a large budget. While a well-done non-profit event can be extremely rewarding, it takes a lot of time and patience to plan and execute. Details like guest lists, venue location, and amenities can trip you up and cause you to lose sight of the original purpose of this special day. But we’re here to help! These tips and tricks can help you nail down the most important elements of your event, putting you on the path to success.


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Marathon Checklist: What You Need to Host Your Next Marathon

Running a marathon is quite a feat. Planning a race can sometimes feel equally tough. With a whole host of factors to consider, like budget, time of year, and location availability, you can quickly find yourself with a lot on your plate. On top of all that, your participants and spectators will also need the proper amenities. Things like porta potties, plenty of garbage bins, and first aid stations are just a few things that will give a good impression and keep everyone comfortable and safe throughout the event. Take a look at this marathon checklist, so you can avoid missing anything important.


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4 Tips for Planning the Perfect Winter Wedding

If you’re from Minnesota, chances are you are a lover of winter. So planning a winter wedding is a must for those cold-loving couples. Although, not everyone is a huge fan of the cold, and if you have friends and family coming from out of state, you might want to offer them a place to escape from the chill. (more…)

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How to Ensure Your Next Non-Profit Event Goes Perfectly

Preparing to host an event for your non-profit organization can be extremely overwhelming. There are so many details you don’t want to forget or your guests might leave thinking that they could have had a more enjoyable experience elsewhere. For instance, consider the hot, humid temperatures of summer or chilly evenings in the fall. At first, you might not think that having electric heaters is something your event may need, but you don’t want your guests to be wishing they were by a cozy fire instead of at your outdoor event in November.

There are so many things to think about when it comes to making sure your event goes smoothly. We’ve created this guideline to help you account for some of the lessen known factors that you may need for your next event. (more…)

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Benefits of Porta Potties Compared to Building an Outhouse

Whether you’re in charge of providing restrooms for a campground, cabin, park or any other location without the resources to facilitate conventional bathrooms, it can be tough to determine which option will best meet the needs and preferences of your guests and visitors. And just to complicate things even further, there are many factors and key considerations to make when choosing between outside restrooms, including the cost of rental or construction, maintenance, comfortability for users and more. At first glance, it might seem like a good idea to build your own outhouse at the site. After all, they’re easy to maintain and relatively sanitary, right? (more…)

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The Unsung Heroes of the Super Bowl

It’s early; 5:30am when the team begins assembling. First one and then another come in from the cold to check in and get their assignments for the day. Routes are checked and discussed, supplies and vehicles are checked and the individual members of the group start moving out for the day. (more…)

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Wheelchair Accessible Porta Potties: How Many Should You Have at Your Event?

When you host an event, you want to make sure that all of your guests are being cared for and this includes those with disabilities. In order to fully enjoy the event you’ve worked so hard on, individuals with disabilities will need adapted facilities (such as wheelchair accessible porta potties). We’re sure that you want to provide each of your guests with the best facilities possible, that’s why we offer wheelchair accessible porta potty rentals and accessibility packages. We want each and every one of your guests to feel welcome and cared for while at your special event. (more…)

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How to Choose Between a Portable Restroom and a Restroom Trailer

When it comes to hosting an event, there are many preparations to consider. You need to book the venue, arrange a caterer, and provide adequate facilities for your guests. Sometimes, even the best venues fall short when it comes to the number of restrooms they have onsite. That’s where portable restrooms come in handy.

On Site can provide quality and sanitary portable restrooms and restroom trailers for your event. But which of those restroom options will work best for your event? Before you decide, let’s learn a bit more about the advantages of each. (more…)

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Restrooms for Large Crowds: How to Plan Accordingly for Your Event

No matter how many weddings, concerts, festivals or public gatherings you’ve organized in the past, accommodating a massive group of people is never easy. These large-scale events require special considerations to ensure that all of your guests have quick and easy access to key resources, including food, water, entertainment and, perhaps most importantly, sanitation facilities. On Site takes pride in providing high-quality and affordable sanitation solutions for hundreds of event planners across the Midwest every single year. Today, to assist you with the process of planning your next big event, we’ll be discussing the most effective way to prepare restrooms for large crowds. (more…)

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Where to Place Porta Potties at Your Wedding

Wedding Blog - Where to place my porta potty at my wedding

Nothing beats an outdoor wedding. The gentle warmth of sunshine, the fresh smell of cut grass, the peaceful sounds of nature, all of these elements combine to create a romantic and compelling atmosphere during your big day. You’ve already found a perfect outdoor venue (perhaps an apple orchard or a beautiful ranch out in the country) and sent out all of the invitations, and you’re in the process of ordering a set of porta potties. But where should you place these important sanitation facilities?

Over the years, On Site has delivered thousands upon thousands of portable restrooms for special events (including weddings) all across the Midwest. To help you out with the confusing and stressful process of organizing your outdoor wedding, let’s discuss the best way to place porta potties at your venue.

Prioritize Convenience

When arranging porta potties for weddings, some people argue that the best course of action is to move them as far away from the ceremony as possible in order to keep the guests focused on the festivities instead of the bright blue bathrooms. However, this strategy can make it incredibly difficult for your guests to use the bathroom and enjoy themselves (particularly if there are young children or elderly people in attendance). After all, it’s tough to celebrate when every restroom break involves a ten-minute walk.

Always prioritize convenience when placing your porta potties. At most, it should take around three minutes for attendees to make it to a bathroom from any given location. Depending on the size of your venue, you might need to spread them out across the space, which might make you worry about unpleasant smells drifting around your event. However, as long as you rent from a reputable provider, all of your units will be delivered clean, sanitized and filled with special chemicals that break down waste and neutralize odor, so don’t let the unfounded fear of stinky porta potties influence your placement plan.

Choose Spaces That Help Your Porta Potties Blend in

You don’t want your porta potties to stick out like a sore thumb. These units need to be easy to find and access without distracting people or detracting from your wedding’s aesthetic. The secret to this delicate balance is strategic placement. If possible, we recommend placing your porta potties near plants or trees around the perimeter of your wedding. You can use these natural decorations to make your units blend with the environment. With a touch of creativity, you can also outfit your units with ribbons, flowers, artwork, candles and more to fit the look and theme of your wedding. Be sure to check online if you need additional inspiration to get started.

Note: Always place bathroom signs (with arrows) around your wedding space. Trust us, your guests will appreciate the guidance.

Safety is Key

Nothing will put a damper on your wedding faster than a tipped porta potty. If you choose to place your units on unstable, wet or angled ground, there’s a chance that they will partially sink into the ground, become unstable or tip over. That’s why it’s imperative to find spaces that are dry and level when arranging your porta potties. This important consideration will also prevent delivery and service trucks from becoming stuck. If you have the time, chat with a representative from the rental company you’re working with to ensure that your placement plan will make it easy for them to reach and handle the units.

Note: Never hesitate to reach out to your provider if you need additional assistance with safe and convenient placement of your porta potties.

Order Portable Restrooms From On Site Today

Now that you have a solid understanding of how to place porta potties at your outdoor wedding, all you have to do is order some! Here at On Site, we take pride in providing effective and affordable sanitation solutions for weddings of any size and scope. We offer a wide range of portable restrooms, luxury restroom trailers and heating and cooling options for tents and non-climate controlled venues.

One of our most popular wedding units is the Enhanced Access Restroom, a high-quality porta potty that features handrails and an interior turning radius to accommodate handicapped users. Be sure to check out our Special Events page to see all of our portable restrooms and learn more about our heavily discounted Instant Party Packages.
Last but not least, if you have any questions about On Site or our services, then call or message us today.

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