Restroom Calculator

Need an estimate for how many porta potties your event needs? Use this handy calculator! For a more specific quote tailored to your needs, call us today at 800-210-8407!

My event is estimated at attendees, for hours.
  • Will there be more women than men?
  • Will there be alcohol served?

Your Estimated Sanitation Services

Based on what you've told us, we've generated this estimate for your needs.

If you have more details or would like expert advice to make sure you get the best sanitation solution, please call us at 800.210.8407.

Estimated Standard Portable Restrooms Needed:0
Estimated Hand Wash Stations Needed:0
Estimated Enhanced Access Restrooms Needed:0

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Top 5 Ways to Heat Up Your Construction Site

Top 5 Ways to Heat Up Your Construction Site

Cold weather isn’t going to stop your construction team. Heating up your job site can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to start! There are several ways to keep your team warm with portable heating solutions. Here’s five ways to heat up your construction site.

1) Direct Fired Heaters

Direct fired heaters will quickly heat large areas, while forcing moisture and contaminates out through pressurized methods. These heaters are perfect for use on your job site. All of these units burn 100% outside air.

2) Indirect Fired Heaters 

Indirect fired heaters will provide you with comfortable portable, temporary heat that is environmentally friendly and portable. Indirect Fired Heaters are an enclosed flame heat alternative that work by venting harmful combustion by-products outside, while also eliminating harmful contaminants and moisture from the air.

3) Direct Fired Enclosed Flame Heaters

Direct enclosed flame heaters are portable, quiet, and are easily moved from one area to another. With remote thermostats and security options, you can monitor the equipment usage and temperature control.

4) Electric Heaters 

Electric space heaters are designed to be used in small spaces where non-combustible heat sources are required. These units allow you to provide heat to your job site, without having to vent out fumes. This allows you to heat any area in a safe and efficient manner.

5) Convention Heaters

Convection heaters are perfect for use when you need temporary heating, but you do not have electricity or natural gas available for a fuel source. These units use vapor propane instead to produce direct fired heat.

Bonus: Ground Thaw Units

Utilizing units such as ground thaw heaters, heat exchangers, and ground thaw blankets is another great way to remove ice from the ground of your job site and keep it warm for your workers.

The On Site Solutions

On Site Companies has all of the above solutions to heat up your construction site. Here are all of our portable heaters for construction. It is never too early to begin planning for cold weather. We recommend that our customers do so to ensure that we have the right solutions for you available when you need it. Call us today to discuss your needs – we would love to provide you with a quote specifically tailored to your job site.

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