With winter looming right around the corner here in the Midwest, it’s never too soon to think about how you’re going to prepare your construction site. Snow and freezing temperatures sometimes make a job harder to do, as well as just plain uncomfortable for the employees. If you only use a heater a few times a year, purchasing one may not be the best option.
With all sorts of different heaters available like a convection, direct fire, or indirect fire you might not know which option will be best for your project or site. Heater rental can provide you with a quality heater and save you money, but what kind of heater will you really need?
Types of Temporary Heating
Different jobs and construction sites need different types of amenities. This includes the various types of heaters that On Site has to offer. You don’t want to spend more money on the largest heater if you only need to heat a small area. Take a look at the various types of heaters and when might be an ideal situation to use them.
Direct Fired Heaters
Like a gas grill or stovetop, direct fire heaters use propane or natural gas to provide heat. These types of heaters are efficient, converting 100 percent of the fuel to heat. They are also great if you need them for all day heating, such as at a construction site or an event since they are cost-friendly and safe to use.
On Site has several types and sizes of direct fire heaters available to rent including:
Indirect Fire Heaters
Indirect fire heaters are different than direct fire heaters in the way of how they create the heat. An indirect fire heater also uses propane or natural gas, but the flame is contained in a burn chamber. This flame heats a heat exchanger and the cool air passes around that, which in turn heats the air as it is pushed out. These types of heating units don’t release carbon dioxide into the air and produce 100 perfect clean, dry air since it never comes in contact with the flame, which makes them a great option for tightly sealed areas such as a tent for an event or wedding.
On Site has several types and sizes of indirect fire heaters available to rent including:
Other Types of Heaters
You may have a construction site that doesn’t allow combustible heating, or you might not have electricity in general. On Site has several other types of heaters that may be beneficial for various circumstances.
These heaters include:
- Direct Fired Enclosed Flame Heater: This type of heater is great for heating tented special events and construction sites.
- Electric Heaters: Electric heaters are perfect for heating areas that don’t allow combustible heating. They are efficient, clean, and don’t require any type of ducting.
- Convection Heaters: A convection heater can be used where electricity and natural gas are not allowed or available. They can be transported just about anywhere.
- Heat Exchangers: Typically paired with the Pureheat Hydronic Heat System, this type of heat removes excess moisture in the air, making it great when you need to cure concrete, thaw frozen ground and prevent frost.
Keep Warm with On Site
Whether we like it or not, winter will be here before we know it. Finding the perfect heater for your construction site can seem like a challenge. With a variety of different options to choose from, On Site can provide you with a heater that will be sure to meet all of your needs and keep you and your employees warm. Contact us today to learn more about what On Site can offer you.