Restroom Calculator

Need an estimate for how many porta potties your event needs? Use this handy calculator! For a more specific quote tailored to your needs, call us today at 800-210-8407!

My event is estimated at attendees, for hours.
  • Will there be more women than men?
  • Will there be alcohol served?

Your Estimated Sanitation Services

Based on what you've told us, we've generated this estimate for your needs.

If you have more details or would like expert advice to make sure you get the best sanitation solution, please call us at 800.210.8407.

Estimated Standard Portable Restrooms Needed: 0
Estimated Hand Wash Stations Needed: 0
Estimated Enhanced Access Restrooms Needed: 0

Looking for a custom quote on those items?


A Sense of Urgency

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When you need something done, you need it done on your schedule. You want whoever is working on your project to treat it seriously. It’s important to you. You wouldn’t be doing your project if it wasn’t important. There is a desire or even a need for anyone contributing to your project to take it seriously enough to work hard and respect the deadline.

You’re looking for a sense of urgency.

Urgent or Fast?

The phrase “sense of urgency” is bandied about frequently in our busy world. Many people use it interchangeably with “as fast as possible.” But “fast” is not equal to “urgent.” After all, there are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way. It’s the wrong way, but much faster.


When you want a sense of urgency, you don’t want things to be done fast just for the sake of doing them fast. A sense of urgency is greater than that. A sense of urgency means doing things with the seriousness and respect they deserve in a timely fashion. It does not mean getting things done as fast as possible by any means necessary. There is an old adage that anyone who does not have the time to do something right the first time certainly doesn’t have the time to do it over. A sense of urgency does not mean cutting corners.

A sense of urgency does mean having an understanding of the situation and what is required to solve the problems presented. It also means people who are actively engaged in solving the problems and completing the tasks.

The operative word in “sense of urgency” is “sense.” It is something that we don’t just take in intellectually, but we internalize the need for urgency. We feel it. Humans are emotional beings that function on emotions, both positively and negatively. When we have a sense of urgency about something, there is an emotional connection that drives us to accomplish the task.

On Site’s Sense of Urgency

At On Site Companies, we treat every order and every customer’s project or event with a sense of urgency. That means we treat every customer and order with seriousness and professionalism. Your projects have deadlines. Your special events have locked-in dates. You have a timeline and we respect that.

We get calls from people months in advance of when they need their toilet or climate control equipment. We also get calls from people in emergency situations where they need toilets or climate control as soon as possible. Both types of customers have their own timelines and needs that are important to them. And, both types of customers deserve to have their needs met with a sense of urgency.

Let’s get that quote done. Let’s get your units out to you. Let’s make sure you’re ready. Let’s do it right and in a timely way. We’ll make sure you get what you need by the time you need it. We respond to your calls or emails. We have 24 hour on-call service. We use technologically-advanced routing. All put together, this means we have internalized urgency into our process. It doesn’t matter if you need temporary sanitation, ground thaw, temporary heat, or temporary cooling, your project will be treated with utmost urgency.




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