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5 Ways Renting a Concrete Blanket Will Improve Your Construction Project

5 Ways Renting a Concrete Blanket Will Improve Your Construction Project

Working on a cold construction site can be challenging, particularly when the weather threatens to damage equipment, tamper with your concrete’s setting process, or keep the ground from thawing during landscaping projects. If you don’t take the proper precautions, low temperatures can force your contracting team to stay at the same site for weeks on end to finish up, costing you valuable time and money and preventing you from moving on to the next project. Here at On Site, we offer a wide selection of concrete curing blankets that are specially designed to keep concrete, blocks and bricks at an optimal temperature. Today we’ll be discussing six reasons why renting a concrete blanket will improve your construction project. But before we do, let’s briefly explain how cold weather can affect your site.

Why Does Cold Weather Make Construction Projects More Difficult?

Concrete is incapable of handling cold weather until it reaches a strength of just around 500 psi. Up until that point, the abundant amounts of water inside of its pores can freeze, causing significant damage to the mixture. Fortunately, most concrete will reach 500 psi compressive strength (and consume enough of its water to prevent its pores from freezing over) within two days as long as the temperature remains above 50°F. However, if the ground’s temperature drops any lower than this, the setting process slows down considerably, and any temperature below 40°F will almost completely stop the concrete from gaining strength and setting properly. Incredibly cold temperatures can also keep newly laid brick and block walls from setting properly, freeze the ground, burst uninsulated pipes and damage valuable work equipment.

Now that you have a solid understand of how cold temperature can adversely affect your job site, let’s explore how renting concrete blankets can help to combat these issues and ensure that your projects are completed quickly and efficiently.

  1. Curing concrete

As we’ve discussed, keeping concrete above 50°F is a critical step in ensuring that it forms properly. Concrete blankets are incredibly effective at keeping the material warm during its curing process. In fact, these blankets can keep concrete at an ideal temperature even when the weather drops below 20°F. And since the setting process occurs so quickly, you’ll usually only need to rent one out for a couple of days. To ensure that the corners and edges of your concrete stay warm, it’s best to utilize triple layers of blankets for maximum protection. Be sure to wrap up any protruding rebars and tie the blankets down so they don’t blow away if the wind picks up.

  1. Curing brickwork and blockwork

Concrete blankets are also a fantastic tool for ensuring that newly laid brick or block walls properly complete their curing process. These materials also suffer when subjected to intense cold, so protecting them with a few layers of concrete blankets is always recommended if the weather drops below 50°F. Just be sure to do some research online and determine how many days it’ll take for your materials to set before placing your rental order.

  1. Protecting work areas from the cold

Cold and snowy construction sites can be an absolute nightmare, especially if ice forms and creates a slipping hazard. At best, these environments will be uncomfortable and unpleasant to work in. At worst, one of your contractors (or you) could slip and fall, causing serious injuries and slowing the project down. To prevent this, you can place concrete blankets over the area you’ll be working in the next day to melt and prevent ice and snow. Maintaining a pleasant and safe site will keep your workers happy and ensure that projects are completed in good time.

  1. Thawing the ground for landscaping

Cold weather can cause the ground on your construction site to freeze over, making landscaping projects incredibly difficult. Fortunately, you can apply concrete blankets over frozen ground to quickly thaw it out. This is an incredible boon when you need to install stone paths, patios, or plants. Just be sure to secure the blankets by tying them to something solid first.

  1. Preventing frozen pipes

Water expands as it freezes, putting intense pressure on the pipes that carry it during winter months. This is particularly problematic for water supply pipes in unheated locations like basements or garages. If a frozen pipe bursts on your construction site, it can cause extensive damage to the building’s floors and ceiling, and it could force you to commit substantial resources toward repairs. You can easily combat this hazard by placing concrete blankets across the length of the exposed pipe. This will keep its metal or plastic at a safe temperature and prevent freezing until you install permanent insulation products.

How Do I Rent a Concrete Blanket for My Construction Project?

Once you’ve decided to rent concrete blankets for your construction site, feel free to look around online for a provider in your area. At On Site, our rental process is incredibly quick and easy. Just follow this link to our quote page and enter in some basic contact information, the address of your construction site, your requested delivery date, which products you’d like to order, and how many of them you need for your project. Best of all, we take care of delivery and retrieval of our products, allowing you to stay focused on finishing your project quickly and getting paid.

Message us today if you have any questions about our products or services. We look forward to working with you.

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